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"Снежанна - умница и красавица"
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"Снежанна - умница и красавица"
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Женская футболка Снежанна - умница и красавица
At last month's CukeUp conference, I held a panel discussion between отеле aslak Hellesoy, Жюльен Biezemans, Ориоль Gual and Йонас Никлас. I chose тезис panelists because each of them has written a variation on the original Ruby Огурец, and I wanted to try to pull тезис идеи вместе into a vision for Огурец 2.0.  This post is a record of that разговор.  Why do we need a new Огурец? The current version of Огурец has been around начиная с 2008 г., and as Йонас has previously разъяснения the код isn’t much fun to hack on. It's quite bloated with особенности, some of which were added as эксперимента and maybe арен’t used by most users. Проведение this cruft вокруг is us holding back from adding new features that we do want".  Итак, the current mechanism for mapping from steps to кода на Ruby is pretty basic and doesn't really encourage the good practices we've learned as a community about organising your код теста.  What is your vision? I asked each of the participants what they'd learned from their fork of Огурец, and what they'd like to see in a new version of Огурец.  Отеле aslak made three points:  It should be possible to use as a Cucumber library, so that other tools can be built on top of it as well as the command line interface. Кстати steps are defined в Cucumber-JVM, by simply annotating existing methods, allows you to focus on keeping your код теста well руководство. We should steal this idea for Огурец-Ruby. There should be a collaborative веб-интерфейс for writing Огурец scenarios with non-технический пайщики. Жюльен added:  Integrating the Огурец-HTML, project, which is essentially a web-based client for Огурец, would be awesome. It would be nice to use the Огурец-TCK, which is growing into a standard set of функции for any Огурец реализация. He hasn’t implemented calling steps from step defs в Cucumber-JS, and he's not sure he wants to. Параллельно execution - can we make this possible? Ориоль и порядок их следования отеле aslak’s thoughts about ведение код теста better руководство: Spinach uses one class по feature, and is, как правило, more object-oriented в отличие от Огурец-ruby's flat anonymous кварталах for step определения.  Йонас Саид his goal for Репа что в основном simplification:  He thinks that the reason some people had started to abandon Огурец что to do with it being perceived as complex. Прыжки from plain english steps to Regexps is jarring, and too big a прыжок в абстракции. 98% of the time you don't need regular expressions, во всяком случае. Репа uses the concept of placeholders в строки вместо to capture-arguments. Using RSpec as the runner for Репа hasn’t worked out so well". What особенности should we remove? It's always fun making a ‘not’ list, поэтому мы brainstormed the current Огурец особенности we'd like to kill a 2.0 релиз:    In case you can't read my каракули, here's that list again:  Wire protocol Calling steps from step defs Tables (we're talking about scenario контуры here) DRB / Spork World having все, смешанные), all the time Cucumber.yml Given / When / Then being regarded as the same by Огурец As you can see, we got the audience to come up and vote after the session. It looks like nested steps are living on заемные время!  My view is that with a well-designed core, many of these features can still exist but as plug-ins, thereby allowing people who need them to continue to use them, but without the maintenance бремя on the core team.  Так what's next? Well, I think I have a pretty clear vision for what Огурец 2.0 would look like. I'd like to start with a simple core library that has no GUI компонент at all, but can pass the TCK тесты. Then we can start building tools вокруг that core, like a console runner, and a websocket server for running cukes from a javascript браузер приложение. I’m personally действительно нужна about where that last idea could lead.  What i'm короткие is on time. Would it be crazy to ask if there are any companies who would consider спонсорство this project? I can't imagine a better way to spend the summer, чем взлом out a brand new блестящие Огурец!  Update: Thanks for the comments, but I don't find they make a great medium for discussion так I don't tend to reply to them. If you'd like to discuss this post, please чип в on these потоков on the cukes google group.Mince огурец and лук вместе в blender food or  processor. Положить в хромо or Марли and press отъезда сок.  Смягчение cream cheese. Добавить сок, a little Солт-if you like.  Добавить enough майонез to make a soft распространение. Add a small  amount green food раскраски to make a бледно-зеленый цвет. Use on  регулярные or tiny партии бутерброды.   Цветок бутерброды: You can одеваются тезис бутерброды by  распространение заполнение on rounds of bread, топ with  тонкий срез огурец, well (i.e., then a daisy cut piece of bread (use a cookie cutter)  and then in the center use a little cream cheese/Майо mixture tinted yellow.  Тезис make милый цветок, как огурец бутерброды.     Cream Cheese and Огурец бутерброды   1 буханка белого or wheat bread  16 оз. cream cheese, softened  1 большой огурец or 2 small  чеснок Солт -   Пил огурец нарезать lengthwise and совок отъезда семена with a spoon. Cut огурец в куски and run through the blender. Залить into mixing bowl and (pick out most of семена if  you forgot to remove them). Добавить cream cheese and a little чеснок Солт-to кнопку. Remove crusts from хлеб. Спрэд огурец mixture on хлеб to make бутерброды. May cut into треугольники or use cookie cutters for different фигуры. This наполнения can also be used as a dip.     Пикантный Огурец Бутерброды   1 Кубок REAL майонез,  1 пакет сухой русский салат соусом,  1 eight оз. cream cheese, softened.   Смешать вместе well. The spread is best if you let it sit overnight.  Спрэд each slice of your хлеб with a portion of this сэвори  спрэд. Топ-each with a cucumber slice and посыпать with a little укроп сорняк.   Best Огурец Бутерброды   1 средний огурец  1/2 cp. сидр vinegar  1 Кубок water   8 оз. pkg. cream cheese, softened (lite is good)  1/4 cp. майонез  1/4 ч. л. чеснок порошок  1/4 ч. л. лук Солт -  dash Вустершир  1 буханка sliced, фирма-textured bread  на гарнир-thinly sliced pimento-чучело green olives or перец   Оценка огурец lengthwise with fork (for выглядит) slice and thin. В среду bowl, combine and vinegar воды, добавить огурец фрагментов; давайте по состоянию на at room at темп.  менее 30 мин. Утечка WELL. Между тем, combine cream cheese, майонез, чеснок порошок,  onion salt and Вустершир. Cut хлеб фрагменты into rounds  (or any shape you want, with a cookie cutter) and with spread cream cheese mixture. Топ-each with a slice of огурец. Shortly before обслуживание  топ with olive фрагмент or перец, or both. Makes about 48 круглый чай, бутерброды.  You can also add a little dab of cream cheese/Майо and top with a baby креветки.   Note: To make тезис the night before, cover с SLIGHTLY damp paper полотенца, then  cover the whole plate with фольгой. Keep in fridge and they'll be just great.    Огурец Бутерброды   2 cucumbers, peeled  1 (12 УНЦ). pkg. cream cheese  (room temperature)  1/4 c. майонез  salt and pepper to кнопку  dash of cayenne  1/4 c. рубленые петрушка  хлеб (crusts removed)  1 Tbsp. лимонный сок   Заусенцы cucumbers or put through a food мясорубку. Twist it  into a ball in the corner of a tea полотенце или в cheese ткань to extract liquid. Beat cream cheese and майонеза в блендер, пока гладкая. Добавить  огурец, специи, петрушка and лимонный сок. If mixture is too  толстые, add more майонез. Спрэд on bread and cut into  thirds for пальцы бутерброды. Доходность 60 бутерброды
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